Taking the blame

There are wonderful things that come with being a mother—unconditional love, and the opportunity to play like a child again are just a few. Yeah, it’s pretty great! Unfortunately, motherhood isn’t always full of lollypops and gumdrops, especially when something goes wrong. BAM! As the mom, it’s automatically my fault.

Perfect example, my oldest son’s cell phone went through the washing machine this week, making for a very dead phone.

“Mom! You broke my phone,” are the first words out of his mouth.

I broke your phone?” I said. “Who left the phone in their pants?”

“You could have checked my pants.”

I guess I could have, I’m only doing four full loads of laundry every other day, besides the daily cleaning and upkeep I do around the house. I have nothing but time on my hands, right? I may be taking the blame on this one, but he still has to pay to replace the phone. And hopefully, from now on, he’ll be smart enough to check his own pants before tossing them in the hamper.

About janelleevans

I'm a sleep deprived mother of three. I create young adult novels from the voices in my head.
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